
2013-08-20 10:25:20 字体放大:  

威廉希尔app 四六级频道为您提供“2013年12月国家英语六级听力必备词汇10” 的相关知识内容,查看更多英语四六级相关内容,请关注威廉希尔app 。

91. compare比较 把…比作

Researchers compared good negotiators with another group of average negotiators, and found there was no difference in the time that two groups spent on planning their strategy.

92. comparison比较 比拟

A cash-and-carry market is by comparison much more capable of self-policing.

93. compatible兼容的 能和睦共处的

You don’t need any Ethernet card with this modem which is compatible with windows desktop machines.

94. compensation补偿(或赔偿)的款物 补偿

I have a complain to make, sir. I waited ten minites at the table before the waiter showed up, and when I finally got serviced I found it was not what I ordered.

I’m terribly sorry, Madam. It has been unusually busy tonight, as a compensation, your meal will be free.

95. compete竞争 比赛

Banks are creating on-line services for several reasons. one reason is that banks must compete for customers who will switch to another bank if they dissatisfied with the service they received.

96. competition竞争 比赛

The universities are going to hold interesting competitons on computer programming, many of my friends have signed up for it, how about you/

Do you think I could ever win anything if I took part in it?

97. complaint抱怨 投诉

Your complaint will be acknowledged within one working day, and you will receive a full reply in 10 working days.

98. complete全部的 完成 结束

The serve was conducted by means of questionaire given to the student completely.

99. comprehensive广泛的 综合的 全面的

It’s quite clear from my visit. This is a full size, comprehensive university, why is it still called a college?

The college of william and Mary is the second oldest institution of High learning in this country. We have nurtured great minds, like Thomas Jefferson and we’re proud of our name.

100. concentrate全神贯注 集中

The people next door are making so much noise, I just can’t concentrate, Tom.

Why don’t you stay at the library, it’s much quieter there.



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