
2012-10-25 11:39:48 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 英语四六级频道为大家收集整理了“英语六级听力全真模拟试卷”供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

Section A

11. [A] She prefers to stay indoors during the summer.

[B] It will clear up soon.

[C] Too much hot weather can be unpleasant.

[D] The weather is supposed to get even hotter.

12. [A] Tell her more about the exhibit.

[B] Invite someone else to the museum.

[C] Take a course in art history.

[D] Ask Mary when the exhibit will begin.

13. [A] She can find a way out.

[B] What the man said is logical.

[C] What the man said is illogical.

[D] She agrees to what the man said.

14. [A] In a laboratory.

[B] At a party.

[C] In a supermarket.

[D] In a garden.

15. [A] She also thinks the lecture was interesting.

[B] She was too tired to learn much from the lecture.

[C] She missed the lecture this morning.

[D] She did not finish the reading before the lecture.

16. [A]In a store.

[B] In an airport.

[C] In a police station.

[D] On a subway.

17. [A] It was sad.

[B] It was funny and inspiring.

[C] It was very moving

[D] It was given by a psychologist.

18. [A] It has been in the cafeteria for several weeks.

[B] Its color isn't very bright.

[C] Both speakers think it looks bad in the cafeteria.

[D] The speakers selected it for the cafeteria.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. [A] A standard unit for measuring weight.

[B] How to care for precious metals.

[C] The value of precious metals.

[D] Using the metric system.

20. [A] To measure amounts of rainfall.

[B] To check the accuracy of scales.

[C] To observe changes in the atmosphere.

[D] To calculate the density of other metals.

21. [A] It is too high for such a light weight.

[B] It is difficult to judge the value of such an object.

[C] It is a small amount to pay for so much precious metal.

[D] It is reasonable for an object with such an important function.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. [A] The size of the cafeteria.

[B] The food served in the cafeteria.

[C] The cost of meals in the cafeteria.

[D] Career opportunities in cafeterias.

23. [A] Inform students of the disadvantages of fried food.

[B] Find other students who will work in the cafeteria.

[C] Ask students to try a new dish he has made.

[D] Collect students opinions about meals.

24. [A] Use less sauce on the food.

[B] Serve some less expensive food.

[C] Make some of the meals less fattening.

[D] Stop serving hamburgers and fried chicken.

25. [A] Very doubtful.

[B] Quite annoyed.

[C] Somewhat curious.

[D] Indifferent.
