
2012-10-25 11:37:13 字体放大:  

11. W: What a fascinating speaker! It was really food for thought.

M: Oh, I’m not sure I’d go along with you there. I kept drifting off quite a few times.

Q: What did the man think of the speaker?

【解析】11选[D]。food for thought指“精神食粮”。I’m not sure I’d go along with you there表明男士并不同意女士的看法。drifting off ≈ gradually fall asleep,意为“昏昏”,由kept drifting off quite a few times可知,男士觉得演讲人的话很无聊、乏味(too boring)。

12. W: I can’t believe it. I have been waiting for this latest show for ages and it totally slipped my mind.

M: Don’t be too upset about it. You might be able to catch it since the organizers are thinking to have another opening next week.

Q: What does the man suggest the woman to do?

【解析】12选[B]。女士因为忘了去看表演(it totally slipped my mind)而懊恼不已,男士说筹办方正考虑重新组织一次表演,可见他是想建议女士耐心等待,看是否还有一次机会,选项[B]与此相符。encore意为“再唱或再表演”。

13. W: I hear you’re working as a market surveyor this summer. It’s got to be awfully difficult asking the same old questions every day.

M: Well, it is challenging work, but I get to meet lots of new people and the pay is decent enough.

Q: What does the man think of his new job?

【解析】13选[B]。decent用在口语中指“相当好的,像样的”,the pay is decent enough ≈rewarding,再结合but前面的it is challenging work可知[B]为答案。

14. M: I think I’ll read ahead a few chapters, just to get the general picture.

W: Try pacing yourself. Slowly but surely you’ll underst????????http://www.hjbbs.com/©版权所有沪江网????????and it all.

Q: What does the woman suggest?

【解析】14选[C]。男士打算往前多读几章,了解书中梗概。女士建议他不要心急,并表示慢慢读来最后终归会理解全书的意思。pace oneself意为“调整做某事的速度”,这表明女士认为男士不应该以太快的速度一下子读太多(learn too much too fast)。

15. W: My headaches are terrible. Maybe I need more sleep.

M: Actually, you need less sun and some aspirin. Plus it would help you if you wear a hat. The sun is too bright.

Q: What most probably caused the woman’s headache?

【解析】15选[D]。结合男士话中的you need less sun, wear a hat及The sun is too bright推测,女士头疼的原因很可能是阳光太强烈了,选项[D]正确。Actually常暗示对前面内容的否定,即男士并不认为女士是因为缺乏睡眠才头疼。

16. M: How was your dinner at the new French restaurant yesterday?

W: We didn’t eat there. We drove all the way down there only to find it’s not open on Monday, so we had our dinner at the small Chinese restaurant next door.

Q: What did the woman say about the new French restaurant?

【解析】16选[D]。only to find后常接不好的或令人意想不到结果。it’s not open on Monday, so we had our dinner at the small Chinese restaurant表明女士并没有去成新开的法国餐厅,因此她也就不会知道那里的食物味道如何,选项[D]正确。

17. W: I appreciate your professional opinion. Do you think I should invest in the project?

M: Under no circumstances should you do that.

Q: What does the man mean?

【解析】17选[B]。Under no circumstances是典型的否定表达,其位于句首时句子需部分倒装。Under no circumstances should you do that意思是“你绝对不能那么做”,可知男士认为女士不应该投资那个项目,[B]为答案。

18. M: I’m worried about sending my son to college. Most college students are so wild nowadays.

W: You said that again! Most students are nowadays too busy studying to get into trouble.

Q: How does the woman react to the man’s remarks?

【解析】18选[A]。too busy studying to get into trouble 意为“忙于学习以至于没有时间去碰麻烦”,由此可知,女士并不同意男士Most college students are so wild nowadays 的说法,选项[A]为答案。

Conversation One

M: I suppose you must have heard about that a great piece of concrete falling onto a car in that terrible accident in South Street yesterday, didn’t you, Jane?

W: Yes, I saw it in the paper. From a 200foot high building, wasn’t it? I gather the driver had just got out or he’d have been killed, wouldn’t he?

M: Oh, yes. I saw the car; it was totally damaged.

W: You usually park your car around there, don’t you, Bill?

M: Yes, I left it in that very spot a couple of days ago, but yesterday it was parked up the road.

W: You were lucky then, weren’t you, Bill?

M: Out of luck, you mean! I’d be very pleased if my old car were smashed to bits. I could claim from the insurance company then, couldn’t I?

W: But you used to be so proud of your car, didn’t you?

M: I used to be years ago, but now there are all sorts of repairs to be done, and I just haven’t got enough spare cash to put it right.

W: You can always sell it, can’t you?

M: Few people are stupid enough to buy a car in that state, are they?

W: The man whose car was crushed yesterday was very annoyed about it. He’ll be given a new car by the builders, though.

M: Yes, but his car was a specially built model that can’t be replaced, and there was hardly anything wrong with it, was there?

W: Well, that’s life! When people actually want to get rid of their cars, this sort of thing seldom happens, does it?

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What happened in South Street yesterday?

【解析】19选[B]。分析选项,[B]、[C]、[D] 都是对事故的具体描述,[A]表述过于笼统,与其他选项明显不同,可初步排除。对话一开始男士就提到a great piece of concrete falling onto a car,因此[B]正确。而女士对此的反应是...or he’d have been killed, 虚拟语气的使用表明the driver was not killed,由此可以排除[D]。该事故与车祸无关,因此[C]错误。

20. Why does Bill consider himself unlucky in yesterday’s incident?

【解析】20选[D]。[A]、[C]都把对话中的男士当成了事故中的受害者,不符合对话内容。对话中男士对自己的车幸免于难的感受是:Out of luck;并随即说明了理由:I’d be very pleased if my old car were smashed to bits. I could claim from the insurance company then...,由此可知,男士的旧车上过保险,因此他认为自己错过了一个既能摆脱负担,又能获得赔偿的好机会,[D]符合题意。

21. According to Bill, how did the owner feel when he knew his car was crushed?

【解析】21选[A]。本题涉及到对此事故的感受。听音时注意听清问题问的是车主的感受,而不是说话者的感受。由对话中男士说的“The man whose car was crushed yesterday was very annoyed about it.”不难得出答案为[A]。

Conversation Two

M: Maths Department, Doctor Winston speaking.

W: Hello, Prof. Winston. This is Eliza Smith calling. I’m living two doors down from your teaching assistant, David Williams. David asked me to call you because he lost his voice and can’t talk to you himself.

M: Lost his voice? Oh, what a shame! Is there anything I can do for him?

W: Well, he has a class this afternoon from 2:30 to 4:00 and he won’t be able to teach it, but he doesn’t want to cancel it either.

M: Want me to try to find somebody else to teach the class?

W: No, not exactly. What he wants to do is to get someone to go in for him, just to pass back the mid-term exams. He’s already marked them and they are on the desk in his office. The whole thing wouldn’t take more than ten minutes.

M: His class is at 2:30, eh? Well at that time I am going to be on campus anyway; so I can do it for him. What room is his class in?

W: Building 4, Room 214.Will you need his office key to get the exams? He’s given it to me and I could bring it to you.

M: Actually, that won’t be necessary. We have a master key in the maths department. So I can get into his office if necessary.

W: Thanks very much, Prof. Winston. David doesn’t have another class to teach until Tuesday, and hopefully, he will be able to talk by then. He’ll call you as soon as he can. Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Could you put the next assignment on the board, too? It’s all the problems on Page 45, and they are due at the next class.

M: No trouble at all. Thanks for passing all the news about David, and please tell him not to worry about anything.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. What’s David’s problem?

【解析】22选[C]。选项[D]提到“男士不喜欢他的教室”,与情理不符,故可初步排除。由对话中的...he lost his voice...可推断[C]正确。unable to speak正是对该句子的同义转述。

23. What favor does David want someone to do for him?

【解析】23选[D]。20、21和22题考查的都是行为活动,因此对话中人物的主要活动要引起我们的注意。该题选项中的[A]、[B]、[D] 都与某种教学安排有关,[C]与其他选项明显不同,故可初步排除。男士想知道David是不是需要找人代课,女士说不是,而是需要找人帮忙pass back the mid-term exams。pass back与return同义,因此选[D]。

24. What does Eliza offer to do?

【解析】24选[B]。根据对话可知,[A]、[C]、[D] 都是Professor Winston 可能做的事情,并不是Eliza主动提出要做的。Eliza在提到office key时说I could bring it to you,因此选[B]。本题关键是听清题目问的是Eliza而不是Professor Winston表示愿意做什么。

25. What does Eliza almost forget to ask Professor Winston?

【解析】25选[C]。对话中,Eliza请Professor Winston将期中试卷发放给学生,最后又提到I almost forgot,原来是还需请对方put the next assignment on the board“将布置的作业写到黑板上”,[C]是对该句的同义转述。board指“黑板”,due意为“期限;到期”。