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【编者按】威廉希尔app 英语四六级频道为大家收集整理了“大学2012英语六级翻译指导及练习”供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!


Exercise Thirty-One

1.The doctor _______________(建议用一种新药来治疗这种病).

2. The two parties differ very sharply from each other _______________(在采取正确的补救办法的问题上).

3. An average student with average intelligence can be a top student ________________(只要仔细安排他/她的时间).

4. _______________(让世界发展如此之快的)is the modern science and technology.

5. A student must treasure his time and ________________(吸收尽可能多的知识)to lay a solid foundation for his future career.


1. suggests treating the case with a new drug

解析:考生容易将此句"治疗"翻译成cure,cure强调"治疗、治愈,侧重治疗效果",如:The doctor used special medicines to cure him of the measles.(医生用特效药治愈了麻疹。)而treat强调医治的过程,后接sb.或sth.作宾语。另外,"建议做某事"通常可以用句型"suggest doing"或"suggest that"从句。

2. over the correct remedies to apply

解析:首先要看到differ...from的结构,它表示"和......不同","与......在某方面不同"要用differ...from...over/on/upon...。"问题"是范畴词,不需要译成over the question of the correct remedies to apply以避免累赘。考生要注意比较differ from与differ with的差别。differ with是说"不同意......的意见",相当于disagree with,如:I differ with him on that point,though he may be right.(在那一点上,我不同意他的意见,尽管他可能是对的。)

3. if he plans his/her time carefully


4. What makes the world develop so fast


5. absorb as much knowledge as he can

解析:本句意为:学生应该珍惜宝贵时间并吸收尽可能多的知识以便为将来事业打下坚实的基础。"吸收"可选用absorb,drink in,take in."尽可能多的"译为as many as或as much as,具体要看句中名词是可数还是不可数。lay a foundation for表示"为......打下基础"。