
2012-10-25 16:58:21 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 英语四六级频道为大家收集整理了“2012年英语六级翻译指导及练习”供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

Exercise Thirty-Four

1. The customer complained that no sooner ______________(他刚起动这台计算机,它就不运转了).

2. What upset me was ______________(不是他所说的话,而是他说话的方式).

3. This piece of writing is ______________(与其说是短篇小说,不如说更像是新闻报道).

4. The court ruling ______________(剥夺了他的政治权利).

5. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning _____________(然而,动物的行为主要依靠本能).

1. had he started the computer than it stopped working

解析:本题考查对no sooner...than句型的掌握。no sooner...than和hardly(scarcely)...when都表示"刚一......就......",注意其中连词的区别。该句型有两个特点:一是主句中一般使用过去完成时,而从句中一般使用一般过去时;二是no sooner或hardly(scarcely)位于句首时,要求句子采用部分倒装语序。本句中no sooner位于句首,故句子采用了倒装语序。

2. not what he said but the way he said it/ not what he said but the manner in which he said it

解析:本题考查对常见结构"not...but..."的掌握。Not...but...意为"不是......而是......",用来连接两个并列成分,表示否定前者而肯定后者。"他所说的话"应用名词性从句what he said表示。"......的方式"用the way (in which)...或the manner in which...表示都可以,前者中的in which常省略。

3. more like a news report than a short story

解析:本题考查对"more...than..."用法的掌握。"more...than..."可以表示"与其......不如......",该结构中可以使用形容词,也可以使用名词、代词、动词、介词短语等。如:He is more diligent than clever.(与其说他聪明不如说他勤奋。)本句中是表示"更像",于是用了"more like"。

4. deprived him of his political rights

解析:本题考查对固定结构deprive sb. of sth.的掌握。Deprive sb. of sth.意为"剥夺某人某物"。"政治权利"常用political rights表达。court ruling意为"法庭的判决"。

5. while animal behavior depends mainly on instinct /whereas the behavior of an animal depends mainly on instinct
