Drugs often have unwanted side effects.These usually cause minor discomfort such as a skin rash, headache or sleepless.Certian drugs, however, can produce serious adversary action.
I saw your advertisment in the morning paper concerning the X-20 model.The lens seems to be excellent and flash is not bad.But do you think prize a little steep.
I think it's a good buy.The prise includes the leather case, you know?
In order for a chemical to be a consider a drug,I must have capacity to affect how the body works.
The best time to buy a baby-dog is when it's between six and eight years old so that it can transfer its affection from its mother to its master.
We've lived here in Thornton for five years now and I think it's time to have the house painted.
You're right ,Mr Johns, our neigher, just had his house to painted, but we can not afford to do it only if we panit it ourselves.