
2013-06-15 01:35:32 字体放大:  

【示例1】他就住在楼上的房间里。He just lives in the room above.

【示例2】这只鸟能飞得比云彩还高。This bird can fly above the cloud.

【示例3】天气预报说,今天得气温在零度以上。The weather report said the temperature was above 0℃ today.

【词组与短语】above all最重要的

【示例】最重要的是工作必须在九点以前由我们自己独立完成。Above all, the work must be finished before nine by ourselves.

4. baby n. 婴儿,小宝宝(C)

【示例】别弄出任何声音来。小宝宝在摇篮里睡着了。Don’t make any noise. The baby is sleeping in the cradle.

5. back adj. 后面的,在后面的;adv. 向后;n. 背部,后背,后面(C)

【示例1】房子里面有后门吗?Is there a back door in the house?

【示例2】我们现在该回到学校了。We have to go back to our school now.

【示例3】汤姆坐在教室的后面。Tom sits at the back of the classroom.

6. backache n. 背痛(U)

【示例】我后背疼得厉害。I have a bad backache.

7. cabbage n. 卷心菜,洋白菜(C&U)

【示例】西红柿,卷心菜,豌豆,你最喜欢什么?Which do you like (the) best, tomatoes, cabbages, or peas?

【注意事项】tomato的复数加es,此外还有hero,potato;cabbage一般情况下是可数名词,但在作菜肴讲时,是不可数名词,切记!例如:请吃点洋白菜。Please have some cabbage.

8. café n. 咖啡馆,小餐馆(快捷餐馆)(C)

【示例】我们午饭通常是在附近的一家小餐馆里吃。We usually have our lunch at a nearby café。

9. cake n. 蛋糕(C&U)

【示例】我饿了,请给我带点蛋糕来。I’m hungry. Please bring me some cakes.

【注意事项】同样道理:cake平时是可数名词,但具体指吃的时候就视作不可数名词了。例如:我买了三个蛋糕。I bought three cakes.再例如:请再多吃点蛋糕。Please have some more cake.

10. daily adj. 每天的,日常的;adv. 每天,日常地;n. 日报(C)

【示例1】在我们的日常生活中我们经常需要用英语。We often need to use English in our daily life.

【示例2】她每天两次去那里。She goes there twice daily.

【示例3】这条新闻刊登在所有的日报上。This news is in all the dailies.