
2013-06-14 13:30:41 字体放大:  

【摘要】2013英语四六级在即,威廉希尔app 小编在此为大家编辑了“2013大学英语六级常见词组搭配”,供大家参考,希望对四六级考生有所帮助。祝大家取得理想的成绩!


一.首考与"with" 的搭配

comply with ,coincide with, collide with, collaborate with ,cope with, mingle with, furnish with, acquaint oneself with (be acquainted with) come up with , o way with ,be identical,

in accordance with ,find fault with ,in association with, in line with, i harmony with, get away with, lose contact with ,with keen anticipation, be consistent with, be (in)compatible with, in collaboration with ,reconcile with.

二. 与"to"的搭配关系也是考查重点

conform to , be apt\ prone \liable to , be subordinate to , be superior t , be inferior to , be relevant to ,be identical to , be indifferent to ,resor to , dedicate to , in contrast to , in response to,in obedience to ,be subjected to , adhere to , ascribe to ,attribute to, subscribe to ,be susceptible t ,cater to ,be secondary to ,have access to , inaccessible to, cling to , in proportion to ,do credit to ( 为-----带来光荣),show somebody to (引领) with reference to ,be bound to ,get round to, live up to.