
2014-12-17 13:34:47 字体放大:  


As can be seen from the cartoons,different students may have different way son how to spend their college days: a boy student indulges himself in computer games, wasting money and time; while a girl student buries herself in a large pile of books, striving to get prepared for the future.

After the fierce competition in the entrance examination, some students may have the illusion that they are secure at last in college. Therefore they do not concentrate on their studies and waste money and time. Needless to say, we all have the right to choose our own way of life. However, college students should define and realize their goals.Time in college is one of the most important periods in our life when we can further prepare ourselves academically for a successful future; therefore we should make the most of it when we have this opportunity. Setting goals is an active way of living. Generally speaking, people are better motivated when they want to attain the goal they set for themselves and have a sense of fulfillment when they succeed. This is true for college students as well.

Success requires both setting goals and working hard. Setting goals for our time in college will ensure our chances of success at a time when we should challenge and exert ourselves.



在激烈的高考竞争过后, 一些学生幻想他们走进大学就可以一劳永逸,因此他们不惜浪费时间和金钱一味地寻求快乐,而不去集中精力读书。不可否认,每个人都有选择自己生活道路的权利。但是大学生应当树立目标并为之奋斗。大学阶段是我们人生中最为重要的时光,在此期间我们能够为未来的学术成就做好充分的准备,因此一旦有这样的机会,我们就应该更充分地利用这段时光。树立目标是对生活的一种积极态度。一般说来,当人们想去达到自己目的时他们就会更有动力,并且当他们取得成功时就会更加有成就感。这对大学生来说也不失为一条真理。


以上就是关于14年12月英语四级图表作文范文:大学规划的全部信息,希望大家认真阅读,更多精彩内容请继续关注威廉希尔app !


