Effects of DNA knotting and additional topological problems originally associated with DNA segregation that may be associated with knots.
When two daughter chromosomes are topologically linked, segregation of the genetic cannot occur normally, However, a DNA molecule tangled in itself, a DNA knot, is also problematic for cells,perhaps even more problematic than catenanes. The biophysical properties of the DNA polymer give it a propensity to become knotted
Effects of DNA knotting and additional topological problems originally associated with DNA segregation that may be associated with knots.
When two daughter chromosomes are topologically linked, segregation of the genetic cannot occur normally, However, a DNA molecule tangled in itself, a DNA knot, is also problematic for cells,perhaps even more problematic than catenanes. The biophysical properties of the DNA polymer give it a propensity to become knotted (38-42). This idea makes intuitive sense: the same drive that causes headphone wires and comprter cables to become self--entangled (and prompted the wireless forms of these devices ) applies also to long , flexible DNA in the cellular space crunch . In spite of a drive to entanglement , cellular DNA rarely is found knotted under physiologically normal conditions , At least three factors keep the DNA unknotted in a cell : (i) type--2 topoisomerases , which remove knots as they form ; (ii) the organization of DNA into nucleosomes , which serves not only to compact the bulk of the DNA , but also holds it in an unknotted state . Nucleosomes , then , effectively reduce the length of DNA that must be surveyed by type--2 topoisomerases for knots ;
腺苷脱氨酶缺乏症 adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA)
腺病毒 adenovirus
Alagille综合征 Alagille syndrome
等位基因 allele
氨基酸 amino acids
动物模型 animal model
抗体 antibody
凋亡 apoptosis
路-巴综合征 ataxia-telangiectasia
常染色体显性 autosomal dominant
常染色体 autosome
细菌人工染色体 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)
碱基对 base pair
先天缺陷 birth defect
骨髓移植 bone marrow transplantation
癌 cancer
后选基因 candidate gene
癌 carcinoma
cDNA文库 cDNA library
细胞 cell
染色体 chromosome
克隆 cloning
密码 codon
天生的 congenital
重叠群 contig
囊性纤维化 cystic fibrosis
细胞遗传图 cytogenetic map
缺失 deletion
脱氧核糖核酸 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
糖尿病 diabetes mellitus
二倍体 diploid
DNA复制 DNA replication
DNA测序 DNA sequencing
显性的 dominant
双螺旋 double helix
复制 duplication
电泳 electrophoresis
Ellis - van Creveld syndrome
酶 enzyme
外显子 exon
家族性地中海热 familial Mediterranean fever
荧光原位杂交 fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
脆性X染色体综合征 Fragile X syndrome
基因 gene
基因扩增 gene amplification
基因表达 gene expression
基因图谱 gene mapping
基因库 gene pool
基因治疗 gene therapy
基因转移 gene transfer
遗传密码 genetic code (ATGC)
遗传咨询 genetic counseling
遗传图 genetic map
遗传标记 genetic marker
遗传病筛查 genetic screening
基因组 genome
基因型 genotype
种系 germ line
单倍体 haploid
造血干细胞 hematopoietic stem cell
血友病 hemophilia
杂合子 heterozygous
高度保守序列 highly conserved sequence
Hirschsprung病 Hirschsprung's disease
纯合子 homozygous
人工染色体 human artificial chromosome (HAC)
人类基因组计划 Human Genome Project
人类免疫缺陷病毒 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/
获得性免疫缺陷综合征 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
huntington舞蹈病 Huntington's disease
杂交 hybridization
免疫治疗 immunotherapy
原位杂交 in situ hybridization
继承的 inherited
插入 insertion
知识产权 intellectual property rights
敲除 knockout
白血病 leukemia
库 library
键、连接 linkage
部位、场所 locus
优势对数评分 LOD score
淋巴细胞 lymphocyte
畸形 malformation
描图 mapping
标记 marker
黑色素瘤 melanoma
孟德尔 Mendel, Johann (Gregor)
孟德尔遗传 Mendelian inheritance
信使RNA messenger RNA (mRNA)
[分裂]中期 metaphase
微阵技术 microarray technology
线立体DNA mitochondrial DNA
单体性 monosomy
小鼠模型 mouse model
多发性内分泌瘤病 multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 1 (MEN1)
突变 mutation
神经纤维瘤病 neurofibromatosis
尼曼-皮克病 Niemann-Pick disease, type C (NPC)
RNA印记 Northern blot
核苷酸 nucleotide
神经核 nucleus
寡核苷酸 oligo
癌基因 oncogene
Parkinson病 Parkinson's disease
专利权 patent
血系/谱系 pedigree
表型 phenotype
物理图谱 physical map
多指畸形/多趾畸形 polydactyly
聚合酶链反应 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
多态性 polymorphism
定位克隆 positional cloning
原发性免疫缺陷 primary immunodeficiency
引物 primer
原核 pronucleus
前列腺癌 prostate cancer
蛋白 protein
隐性 recessive
逆转录病毒 retrovirus
核糖核酸 ribonucleic acid (RNA)
核糖体 ribosome
risk communication
序列标记位点 sequence-tagged site (STS)
联合免疫缺陷 severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
性染色体 sex chromosome
伴性的 sex-linked
体细胞 somatic cells
DNA印记 Southern blot
光谱核型 spectral karyotype (SKY)
替代 substitution
自杀基因 suicide gene
综合征 syndrome
技术转让 technology transfer
转基因的 transgenic
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