
2013-03-25 16:41:21 字体放大:  


abandon v. go away from (a person or thing or place) not intending to return; forsake; desert

abstract adj. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or practical existence

academy n. school for special training

access n. ~ means of approaching or entering (a place); way in外语学习

accommodate v. provide lodging or room for

accompany v. walk or travel with (sb) as a companion or helper; escort

accumulate v. gradually get or gather together an increasing number or quantity of get (sth) in this way

accurate adj. free from error

achieve v. gain or reach (sth), usu by effort, skill, courage, etc

acknowledge v. accept the truth of admit (sth)

acquire v. gain (sth) by one‘s own ability, efforts or behaviour

adapt v. ~ sth (for sth) make sth suitable for a new use, situation, etc; modify sth

adequate adj. ~ satisfactory in quantity or quality; sufficient

adjacent having a common endpoint or border also immediately preceding or following

adjust v. put (sth) into the correct order or position; arrange

administrate v. to administer

adult adj. grown to full size or strength

advocate v. speak publicly in favour of (sth); recommend; support

affect v. have an influence on (sb/sth); produce an effect on

aggregate v. ~ sb (fml ) be formed or bring sb into an assembled group or amount

aid n. help

albeit conj although

allocate v. ~ sth allot or assign sth (to sb/sth) for a special purpose

alter v. become different; change in character, position, size, shape, etc

alternative adj. available in place of sth else; other

ambiguous adj. having more than one possible meaning

amend v. correct an error in (sth); make minor improvements in; change slightly

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