四级预测作文:Dialects in Movies and TV Series

2013-03-24 17:50:05 字体放大:  






Dialects in Movies and TV Series

Nowadays in many movies or TV series dialects could be found without difficulty. Maybe it’s the influence of some superstars who speak dialects that has led to such popularity of dialects.

Is the prevalence of dialects a good phenomenon? Different people see it quite differently. Some people say it’s ridiculous for movie characters to talk in dialects, which may turn out spoiling the aesthetic beauty of the movies as a whole of art, for some words of dialects are usually vulgar and full of curses. Others, however, consider it a good way to encourage cultural diversity for dialects to appear in movies and TV programs, which thereby become more dynamic and entertaining.

As for me, dialects should be used with care. I have seen some movies crammed in so many abusive dialects that they simply become annoying arguments between mobs. So dialects could be good, but not always.

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