Reading Selectively or Extensively?

2012-11-21 12:23:13 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 小升初为大家收集整理了“Reading Selectively or Extensively?”供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

Reading is an important means to get information and amusement. Then how should we read so as to get the most out of it?

Some people think that we should read selectively. The books are countless, but our time is limited. We cannot read all of them. Furthermore, just as the proverb says, jack of all master of none. Many many books are not in the field we are interested in , and it will not add up to our knowledge at all. Therefore, we should select some books and ignore others.

Some others think differently about this matter. ( In their opinion, with the coming of Information Age, today’s world is no longer what it was yesterday. The more we know about different fields, the more likely we are to succeed. To attain our objectives, we should read extensively.

In my eyes, there is something in both of the two opinions, but neither of them is absolutely right. If we simply read selectively, the framework of our knowledge may not be complete. If we only read extensively, we may not be specialized in any particular field. Ti is more reasonable for us to combine the two methods.


威廉希尔app 四六级频道