
2013-06-13 18:14:04 字体放大:  

K.K[ke] 无论如何,那事于你无关。

L的读音为 IPA[el] I have something else to tell you.

K.K[ l] 我还有些话要告诉你。

M的读音为 IPA[em] The baby is a real gem; he never cries.

K.K[ m] 这个婴儿真讨人喜欢,他从来不哭。

N的读音为 IPA[en] Ten to one he has forgotten it.

K.K[ n] 他很可能已经忘记了。

O的读音为 IPA[] I hope I can see you again.

K.K[o] 我希望我能再见到你。

P的读音为 IPA[pi:] He recovered his peace of mind.

K.K[pi] 他恢复了平静的心情。

Q的读音为 IPA[kju:] We had to queuefor hours to get in.

K.K[kju] 我们必须排几个小时的长队才能进去。

R的读音为 IPA[ɑ ] Are you ready for the start?

K.K[ɑr] 你准备好出发了吗?

S的读音为 IPA[es] Many people wish for success in life.

K.K[ s] 许多人都希望一生有所成就。

T的读音为 IPA[ti:] Would you like tea or coffee?

K.K[ti] 你要喝茶还是咖啡。

U的读音为 IPA[ju:] What do you plan to do this weekend?

K.K[ju] 这个周末你计划做什么?

V的读音为 IPA[vi:] Language is the vehicle of human thought.

K.K[vi] 语言是人类表达思想的工具。

W的读音为IPA[ ] You are always welcome at my house.

K.K[ ] 随时欢迎你到我家来。

X的读音为 IPA[eks] His English is excellent.

K.K[] 他的英文是优秀的。

Y的读音为 IPA[ wai] Why are you in such a good mood?

K.K[ wai] 你为什么心情这么好?

Z的读音为 IPA[zed] Zip up your fly.

K.K[zi 或 zi] 拉上你的拉链。


