
2013-06-12 02:18:17 字体放大:  

Why are you taping your windows?

A typhoon is coming.

A typhoon is on its way.

It's foggy. 雾/It's freezing. 结冰

It's very cold today.

We're going to have a blizzard.要下暴风雨

It's pleasant. /It's comfortable. 这天真舒服

It's mild today./It's a nice day.

It's misty. 雾蒙蒙的

Let's go sunbathing.日光浴

But, it's overcast today. 阴天

It's cloudy today./It's gloomy.

It's miserable. 糟糕的天气

It's a terrible day. /It's an awful day.

I'm sensitive to heat. 我怕热

It's breezy today. 今天风和日丽

It's a breezy day.

It's uncomfortable today.

It's unpleasant today.

The heat is killing me.

It's raining cats and dogs! *瓢泼大雨

It's frosty today. / It's a frosty day. 下霜了


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