
2013-06-12 02:03:06 字体放大:  

以下是威廉希尔app 为您推荐的关于2013英语四级考试口语常用句型:饭桌上的内容,希望对您的学习有所帮!

I'm kind of hungry. 我有点儿饿了

I'm kind of hungry. How about you?

Yeah, it's lunch time.

I'm starving. /I'm getting hungry.

I'm very hungry. /I'm extremely hungry.

I could eat a horse.

I'm thirsty. 我渴了

It smells good. /It smells nice.

I'm on a diet.

How's it going so far? 现在感觉怎么样?

This looks great! /This looks good!

This looks delicious!

My mouth is watering.

This smells great! *

They all look good.

They all look so delicious, don't they?

They both look great.

Can I eat this? /Is this edible?

You can't eat that. /It's inedible.

Is this delicious? /Does this taste good?

How is it?

It's good. / Good.

It's delicious. /Delicious!

Yum-yum! /Umm! /Mmm! *比较随便

Yummy! *女性和孩子们常用

It's not good. /It doesn't taste good.

This tastes strange. /This tastes funny. /This tastes weird.

I eat anything. /I can eat anything.

Don't overeat. /Don't eat too much. /Don't eat so much.

He's a big eater.

I don't feel like eating anything.

I drink like a fish. 我是海量

I get drunk easily. 我酒量小

I can hold my own. 我酒量还可以。

I can hold my liquor.

I can drink a lot.

I'm a strong drinker.

Cake is fattening.

Would you like some coffee?

Not now, thanks.

Please pass me the salt.

Could I have the salt, please?

Salt, please?

Could you hand me the salt, please?

It's called misoshiru. 这是大酱汤

This is misoshiru.

This is called misoshiru.

How do you eat sushi?

You dip it in soy sauce. 蘸酱油

Place the sushi in some soy sauce.

Can you use chopsticks? *筷子

What kind of fish is this?

Oh, that's tuna.金枪鱼

It's spicy. / It's hot.真辣!

It's salty.

It's sweet.

It's crispy. 真脆

It's slimy. 真粘

This coffee is not hot enough.

This coffee is lukewarm.

This bread is soggy.面包没有烤透

These potato chips are stale.这土豆片变味了