
2013-03-21 13:10:35 字体放大:  

以下是威廉希尔app 为您推介的关于2013英语四级作文竞争的内容,希望对您的学习有所帮!



  Competition makes people more creative and effective. It urges them to plan better, to try harder, and to achieve more. With a desire to excel in their work, people tend to perform more creatively and more efficiently。

  Competition helps produce better products and provide better services. In the present world of intense competition, every manufacture tries his best to outmatch his competitor by producing goods of better quality at lower costs. As a result, consumers pay less and receive better service。

  Competition promotes further development of society. If there were no competition, people would remain complacent and be unwilling to make any efforts or risk anything new. However, with fierce competition going on, they exert themselves to accomplish more. Their accomplishment will, in one way or another, contribute to the progress of society。

