
2012-11-29 17:28:54 字体放大:  


a) Every young boy and girl wants to earn a little money to help cover higher college cost.

b) There is hardly a young boy and girl who doesn’t want to earn a little money to help cover higher college cost.

a) Whenever you pick up a newspaper, you will always find advertisements.

b) It is impossible to pick up a newspaper without finding advertisements.

a) Gathering around and listening to mother or father read a good story is the best pastimes to bring a family closer together.

b) Few pastimes bring a family closer together than gathering around and listening to mother or father read a good story.

a) Do is the most basic issue to individual and national survival.

b) No issue is as basic to individual and national survival as food.



a) I am in favor of equal rights for women. I think women should especially have the right to compete with men for jobs on equal terms. They should get the same pay as men for the same job. They should also have equal opportunities for promotion.

b) I am in favor of equal rights for women, especially the right to compete with men for jobs on equal terms, the right to get the same pay as men for the same job, and the right to equal opportunities for promotion.

a) The nationwide controversy over the current reforms will test the courage of our people. Through the controversy we can also see the determination of our government.

b) The nationwide controversy over the current reforms will test the courage of our people and the determination of our government.

a) For the first time in history Chinese citizens held such power in their own hands. In the past they have never been allowed such vigorous and unrestrained debate on politics.

b) Never before in history have Chinese citizens held such power in their own hands. Never before in history have they been allowed such vigorous and unrestrained debate on politics.

a) College students now are primarily interested in grades and economic success. They are expected to cheat on exams more frequently. This is not like those who graduated 10 years ago. They are only concerned with their own personal future. They consider little problems of society. All these are reported by a recent study.

b) A recent study reports that college students now are primarily interested in grades and economic success, that they are expected to cheat on exams more frequently than those who graduated 10 years ago, and that they are more concerned with their own personal future than with problems of society.



a) Many people think birth control is quite necessary in China.

b) It is widely (commonly) thought/believed/held/accepted) that birth control is quite necessary in China.

a) More and more people agree (realize/are aware) that women should enjoy full equality with men.

b) There is a growing agreement (realization/awareness) that women should enjoy full equality with men.

a) Many Chinese people have gone to the United States in the past 15 years.

b) The past 15 years have brought many Chinese people to the United States.

a) We almost forget this event.

b) This event is now almost fading from our memory.

a) Students should certainly make continuous efforts.

b) Continuous efforts on the part of students are certainly required.

a) We easily drew the conclusion through the investigation.

b) The investigation easily led us to the conclusion.



a) We are making great efforts to improve our English.

b) Great efforts are being made to improve our English.

a) We know very little about the nature of human beings.

b) Little is known about the nature of human beings.

a) Because of social demands, there appear many evening schools.

b) Many evening schools are called into exi

stence by social demands.

a) We may think more of the elderly who live apart from their children.

b) More thought may be given to the elderly who live apart from their children.

不要总是用(如果),(因为),(当)等口语意味较重的句子,如例12中的a); 要注意使用书面语体的句子, 如例12中的b).


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