
2013-12-14 11:40:54 字体放大:  

【摘要】:多了解一些资讯信息,对于学生和家长来讲非常重要,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了“2013年下半年英语四级考试题公布”一文,希望对大家有帮助。


Due to the wide use of computers and the development of Internet, more and more people like to chat on the Internet. We tend to pay more attention to electronic communication than to face-to-face contact.

As electronic communication is not limited by space, we can chat with others where there is Internet with our tools such as computers, mobile phones and pads. However, when we chat with others online, we cannot express our feelings fully. Just as the picture shows, the parents cannot touch or hug their child. We know that body language plays an important role in our communication, but the electronic communication cannot do this. For example, when we are sad, we need more love and warmth, a real hug from our parents or friends can mean much more to us than just words through electronic communication.

Therefore, though electronic communication brings convenience to our life, I still don’t think the electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact.

总结:有关于“2013年下半年英语四级考试题公布”就为您介绍完了,威廉希尔app 编辑将第一时间特别整理四六级资讯信息,供大家参考!



2013年12月辽宁近40万大学生参加四六级考试 新增3个考点