
2013-06-15 01:25:41 字体放大:  

A. were taken B. be taken C. must be taken D. take

10. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I______ to it.(92.1/59)

A. have not gone B. did not go C. had not gone D. should not have gone

11.It was proposed that the matter______ discussed at the next meeting.(92.6/65)

A. will be B. was C. be D. would be

12.He didn’t go to the party, but he does wish he______ there.(92.6/66)

A. would be B. has been C. would have been D. had been

13.______ for your laziness, you could have finished the assignment by now.(93.1/61)

A. It were not B. Had it not been C. Weren’t it D. Had not it been

14.It’s necessary______ the dictionary immediately.(93.1/68)

A. that he return B. that he returned

C. that he will return D. that he has to return

15.Look at the terrible situation I am in ! If only I_____ your advice.(93.6/70)

A. follow B. would follow C. had followed D. have followed

16.The manager of the hotel requests that their guests______ after 11:00 p.m.(94.1/65)

A. not to play loud music B. shouldn’t play loud music

C. don’t play loud music D. couldn’t play loud music

17.It is highly desirable that a new president______ to this college.(94.6/54)

A. appointed B. be appointed C. was appointed D. was been appointed

18.The traffic was very heavy; otherwise I ______ here 50 minutes sooner.(94.6/61)

A. would be B. should be C. had been D. would have been

19._____ for my illness I would have lent him a helping hand.(95.1/47)

A. Not being B. Had it not been C. Without being D. Not having been

20.To be frank, I’d rather you______ in the case.(95.1/61)

A. will not be involved B. not involved C. not to be involved D. were not involved
