
2013-06-15 01:24:32 字体放大:  

A      B

the habits that might shorten the lives.

C     D

分析:D错,应改为their. 定冠词在句中不如代词所有格明确,如果lives后面有定语就可以用the。注意(A)并没有错,help后面可以接不带to的不定式。

②、使役动词后面要省略to, 这样的动词只有三个



have sb. do sth

注意get不是使役动词,get sb. to do sth.

例:A conductor used signals and gestures to let the musicians

A               B

to know when to play various parts of a composition.

C     D

分析:let是使役动词,后面不需要to, C改为know


hear, feel, watch, see, notice, observe

see sb do sth. 强调过程

see sb doing sth 正在做某事

B. 动词不定式的固定用法


the first woman to do sth.


一般考三个, allow/ enable/ call, +sb. + to do

例:Besides providing clues to the nature of atoms, mineral analysis

A                 B

allows to speculate geologists about the ancient Earth.

C           D

分析:allow...to do是固定短语,allow的宾语应在不定式之前,即把C改为: allow geologists to speculate。


be more likely to do 更有可能作某事

be inclined to do倾向于做某事

be liable to do 易于…的

be apt to do

