
2013-06-04 11:46:16 字体放大:  

In more specific terms ,the application of information to economy is best exemplified in the net working and communication…

A. in ….terms= in terms of 措辞、说法;

E.g. The Australian professor spoke of the fighting against SARS in china in terms of praise.


Don’t speak to your parents in impolite terms.


B. Scientific/technical/legal terms 科学、技术、法律术语

E.g. In box-office terms, Spider was a great success.


C. be on good /bad terms with sb 和某人关系好/不好

E.g. He is always on good terms with his neighbors.

3. This net refers to the computer network of satellites…

It (electronic currency) refers to on entire finance system on the net.

refer to: allude to; apply to;  提及、应用于、指的是

E.g. I wasn’t referring to you when I said someone was lazy.


4. Internet shopping belongs to the first aspect…

belong to: be the property of ,be a member of 属于

E.g. Taiwan belongs to China.台湾属于中国。

Which team do you belong to? 你是属于哪个队的?

5.Belongings n. movable possessions 财产 (尤指动产)

E.g. Keep your belongings sage to ensure they are not stolen.

personal belongings/estate 个人财产、动产

real estate 不动产、房地产

6. Sporting goods company puma was on the verge of bankruptcy back in 1992.

be on the verge of : be close to  濒临

E.g. After losing his son in the accident, the old man was nearly on the verge of nervous breaking.


bankrupt adj. go bankrupt 破产

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