
2013-06-04 11:43:29 字体放大:  

摘要:大学英语四级语法要从词类、时态语态、从句等方面进行学习。以下是威廉希尔app 为考生提供的2013年大学英语四级考试语法的考核重点分析和复习方法指导。


1. would rather 加宾从时用一般过去时表示虚拟。

I would rather you didn't appear in my life.

联想单词记忆: Cupid 丘比特 Venus 维纳斯;金星 volcano 火山

Mars 战神 Apollo 阿波罗,太阳神 Diana 月亮女神

meander 蜿蜒而流 laurel 月桂树,桂冠 cupidity 贪婪

avenue 林荫大 revenue 收入,税入 adamant 坚强的

Adam's apple 喉结

2. would rather 加动词(原形)时表示宁愿,相当于情态动词。

I would rather stay here .

3. would rather 与 than 搭配。

I would rather stay here than go home.

4. It is time... 句型,用一般过去时表虚拟语气。

It is time you picked up a girl.

[P45-57]"You are very selfish. It's high time you _________ that you are not the most important person in the world, " Edgar said to his boss angrily.

A) realized B) have realized C) realize D) should realize

[P45-58]These two areas are similar _________ they both have a high rainfall during this season.A) to that B) besides that C) in that D) except that

[P45-60]If I hadn't stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you _________ now.

A) wouldn't be smiling B) couldn't have smiled C) won't smile D) didn't smile



[P41-48]I'd rather you _______ make any comment on the issue for the time being.

A) don't B) wouldn't C) didn't D) shouldn't

[P41-53]If she doesn't tell him the truth now, he'll simply keep on asking her until she _____.

A) does B) has done C) will do D) would do


[P39-59]You don't have to be in such a hurry, I would rather you _______ on business first.

A) would go B) will go C) went D) have gone

[P31-43]It's already 5 o'clock now. Don't you think it's about time ________?

A) we are going home B) we go home C) we went home D) we can go home

[P24-61]To be frank, I'd rather you ________ in the case.

A) will not be involved B) not involved C) not to be involved D) were not involved

[P24-66] I have no objection ________ the evening with them.

A) to spend B) to spending C) of spending D) spending

[P14-70]It took him several months to ______ the wild horse.

A) tendB) cultivate C) tame D) breed

注:tend to 打算做某事 tend 照料 bar tender 调酒师

bargain 讨价还价,便宜货 (some bargains) bar 酒吧,棍子

embarrass 尴尬 ass 屁股,驴子,笨蛋 donkey 驴

barbarian 野蛮人 barren 贫瘠的 assassin 暗杀者

[P14-69]A completely new situation will _______ when the examination system comes into existence.A) rise B) arise C) raise D) arous

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