作表语的形容词 - 四级语法

2013-06-03 18:19:50 字体放大:  

摘要:大学英语四级语法要从词类、时态语态、从句等方面进行学习。以下是威廉希尔app 为考生提供的2013年大学英语四级考试语法的考核重点分析和复习方法指导。

??1)很多以a?开头的形容词,如asleep, afraid, awake, alone, aware, alive, ablaze, alike等,一般只作表语。


??1)很多以a?开头的形容词,如asleep, afraid, awake, alone, aware, alive, ablaze, alike等,一般只作表语。


??He was so tired that he soon fell asleep. Whether he was alive or dead in the earthquake is still unknown.2)这类形容词有时可以放在名词后作后置定语。


??He is one of the persons alive after the flood. The old man was the only person awake at the moment. 3)这类形容词中有些像alike(相同),alone(单独),amiss(差别),afire(燃烧着),adrift(漂流),afloat(漂浮),afoot(徒步)等既是表语形容词,又是副词,它们的用法不同。

??【例如】The twins look so much alike that it is difficult to distinguish one from the other. My brother and I alike are funs of pop music.

??4)一些表示身体健康情况的形容词,如ill, well, unwell, fit, poorly等,一般作表语。


??I don't feel well. I need to go to see the doctor. How to keep fit is a popular topic these days

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