
2013-06-03 18:02:26 字体放大:  

摘要:大学英语四级语法要从词类、时态语态、从句等方面进行学习。以下是威廉希尔app 为考生提供的2013年大学英语四级考试语法的考核重点分析和复习方法指导。

1、must表示必须,否定回答时用needn‘t. mustn’t表示不许可。

「例如」You must get to the station before 3, otherwise you will miss the train.Must I hand in my homework tomorrow?

No, you needn‘t. You can turn it in the day after tomorrow.

You mustn‘t smoke in the hospital.


She must live near here, for she comes to work on foot.

She was absent from class. There must have been something wrong with her.

The light was out. They must have gone to bed.

真题:Mary‘s score on the test is the highest in her class. She ____ have studied very hard.(CET-4 1998.1)

A) may

B) shoud

C) must

D) ought to

“must +不定式完成式”表示对过去发生事情的推测。题意为:玛丽的考试成绩全班第一,她学习一定很刻苦。答案为C.

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