
2013-04-10 11:19:57 字体放大:  

【摘要】:2013四级考试进入了最后的冲刺阶段,语法的知识点是难点和重点,以下是威廉希尔app 特为考生们整理了2013英语四级语法;反身代词常用的动词搭配的内容,希望能给广大考生们在复习中作出一点贡献。预祝考生们通过考试!

absent oneself from 缺席

avail oneself of 利用

accustom oneself to 热心于

adapt oneself to 适应于

addict oneself in 沉溺于

address oneself to 着手

amuse oneself with (by) 以……自娱

apply oneself to 致力于

bethink oneself of 考虑

bend oneself to 热衷于

break oneself of 去掉……习惯

charge oneself with 承担

conceal oneself 藏身

concern oneself with 关心;忙于

confine oneself to 局限于

content oneself 满足

curl oneself up 卷曲着身子

deliver oneself of 说出

devote oneself to 致力于

distinguish oneself by 因……而出名

dress oneself in 穿着

engage oneself in 从事于

engage oneself to 同……订婚

enjoy oneself 过得愉快

excuse oneself 辩解

exert oneself 努力

familiarize oneself with 精通

flatter oneself 自认为

free oneself of 摆脱

give oneself to 热衷于

help oneself to 随意吃

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