【摘要】:威廉希尔app 整理了圣诞节来临前人们都会期待它的到来,让我们动起手来一起制作圣诞花环吧,请看下文具体内容。
Merry Musical Accent
Invite carolers and neighbors to warm up in a front hall echoing with the joyful sounds of the season.
邀请颂歌者与邻居在回响着欢愉的节日颂歌的前厅做好准备。(译者注:season有时令的意思,且本文内容与圣诞节有关,因此“sounds of the season”译为“圣诞颂歌”或“节日颂歌”会更贴近上下文)
Shiny brass jingle bells, horns, and little toy drums blend with tiny scrolls of sheet music, sprigs of holly, and a festive holiday bow to trim the wreath above and trumpet 'Happy Holidays'!
装饰音乐之“环”的材料有:金灿灿的黄铜门铃、号角、小玩具鼓、微型乐谱、冬青树枝以及喜庆的圣诞“结”。音乐之“环”的“宣言”是——“节日快乐”!(译者注:根据“holly 冬青”的意思,spring这里特指“树枝”,合起来就是“冬青树枝”;当然“holly”这个单词本身就可以译为“冬青树枝”)
For the Kitchen
Red gingham ribbon twirled and tied in a big bow cooks up a hearth-warming country look for this wreath.
Silver tea balls and measuring spoons add holiday sparkle and shine. Cinnamon sticks tied with red raffia lend a spicy scent tucked among jolly Christmas cookie cutters. For a fun finishing touch, try penning some whimsical recipe cards for 'Reindeer Treats,' 'Elf Snacks,' and 'Santa Sugarplums.'