
2013-04-19 13:48:09 字体放大:  

【摘要】:威廉希尔app 整理了花栗鼠宝宝在花园中游玩时突然被一只泰迪熊绊倒,于是对它一见钟情。看着花栗鼠偷亲玩具泰迪熊的可爱样子真是爱死它了。

The young golden-mantled ground chipmunk planted a smacker on the pink stuffed toy after a few minutes of courtship in a garden in Colorado, U.S.


At first the chipmunk was suspicious of his new friend and approached the teddy bear with caution, but after a quick check, there was no denying the connection.


He gradually gained more confidence, plucking up the courage to examine the teddy more closely, and appeared to plant a kiss on the toy's mouth. Then, in an almost human-like reaction, the chipmunk shut his eyes tight and clasped his hands together in a joy-like pose.


The heart-warming pose was captured by photographer Betsy Seeton, 55, who had put the teddy outside her home for the squirrel to play with.

这个温馨的动作被55岁的摄影师Betsy Seeton抓拍下来,而这只泰迪熊就是她放到屋外给松鼠玩的。

The chipmunk is a frequent visitor at Betsy's house and she has even nicknamed him Jasper. She said that watching Jasper examine the teddy bear was like watching a toddler meet a new friend.


Betsy said: ‘I put the teddy bear outside my home for fun and to see what Jasper would do. Jasper stayed with the bear for at least a couple of minutes - and I definitely think it looked like Jasper gave the teddy bear a kiss.


‘The curious behaviour is typical of these animals, they are always looking for nuts. Of all the photos I have taken, these ones are definitely up there in terms of how cute they are.’


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