
2013-04-18 14:46:41 字体放大:  

【摘要】:威廉希尔app 整理了每到过年的时候,许多在外打工的人们都会早早的提前预定回家去的车票,只是想回去看看家里的父母和牵挂的人儿。

Traditionally, those living apart from their parents return home during the festival period. 

To encourage this, China's newly revised law on the elderly's rights says that from July 1 this year, people living apart from elderly parents should visit them often and employers should guarantee their rights and opportunities to do so. 

China has 250 million migrant workers and most of them have only one opportunity to go home during the Spring Festival. Others may not have a chance during the whole year. 

"Going home" has become a national puzzle, due to Chinese employment rules, railway capacity, weather and even the online ticketing system. 

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