
2013-04-17 09:56:12 字体放大:  

【摘要】:威廉希尔app 整理了每天工作或是学习时间长了不仅会有难看的小肚腩出现,并对我们的身体健康亮起了红灯,即使你在健身房里做做运动,恐怕是难以保持良好体型的,现在美国推出一款计步器,它可以测量走路的速度,并计算出对应的卡路里消耗量,那么下面让我们来了解了解它吧。

Americans are more sedentary than ever, government surveys show. That is a problem even among people who exercise regularly.


An increasingly popular way people are trying to coax more exercise into their lives is by tracking their movements using a bevy of small electronic devices from companies like Fitbit Inc., Jawbone and Nike. Some devices are pedometers, tracking steps. More sophisticated gadgets, known as accelerometers, measure the rate at which a person moves and convert this into calories expended.

现在越来越流行的一种做法是,用Fitbit Inc.、Jawbone、耐克(Nike)等公司出产的一些小型电子设备跟踪记录自己的运动量,以此鼓励自己多做运动。这其中,既包括记录步数的计步器,也包括一些更复杂的仪器,如加速计,它可以测量走路的速度,并计算出对应的卡路里消耗量。

'We've been very focused on exercise and making sure you get your half-an-hour a day of moderate and vigorous physical activity. But what we've not focused on so much is how you spend the rest of your day,' says Bonnie Spring, director of the Center for Behavior and Health at Northwestern University.

西北大学(Northwestern University)行为与健康中心(Center for Behavior and Health)主任邦尼•斯普林(Bonnie Spring)说:“一直以来我们都非常关注运动,确保自己每天能有那么半个小时做一些强度适中或较大的运动。但我们没有注意到的是,每天其余的时间我们都在干些什么。”

Americans on average take 5,117 steps a day, according to a 2010 study published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. A good daily goal, by contrast, is 10,000 steps, according to the American Heart Association and other experts. Research studies have found that such a regimen results in modest weight loss, improved glucose tolerance in people at risk of developing diabetes and other benefits, says David Bassett Jr., co-author of the 2010 study and a professor in the department of kinesiology, recreation and sport studies at the University of Tennessee.

《运动与锻炼中的医学与科学》(Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise)杂志2010年刊登的一篇研究论文指出,美国人平均每天走5117步。而美国心脏协会(American Heart Association)及一些专家表示,每天的理想走路步数应为10,000步。上述2010年研究论文的作者之一、田纳西大学(University of Tennessee)运动机能学、休闲与体育研究系教授小戴维•巴西特(David Bassett Jr.)称,研究发现,每天的步行数达到理想水平,可以帮助糖尿病患病风险高的人群适当减轻体重、改善葡萄糖耐受性,此外还有其他一些好处。

Walking a mile roughly equals 2,000 steps. Climbing a flight of stairs─roughly 10 steps─is equivalent to taking 38 steps on level ground, Dr. Bassett says.


People who live in Colorado, where obesity rates are relatively low, take an average of 6,500 steps a day, a 2005 study found. By contrast, residents of Tennessee and Arkansas, where the obesity rates are much higher, take an average of 4,500 steps a day. 'We don't know that it's cause and effect obviously, but the states with lower obesity rates have the higher number of steps,' says James Hill, executive director of the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center at the University of Colorado.

2005年的一项研究发现,在肥胖率相对较低的科罗拉多州,人们平均每天步行6500步。而在肥胖率相对高得多的田纳西州和阿肯色州,人们日均步行4500步。科罗拉多大学(University of Colorado)安秀兹健康中心(Anschutz Health and Wellness Center)执行主任詹姆斯•希尔(James Hill)说:“我们不清楚这其中有什么明显的因果关系,但肥胖率较低州的居民日均步行数确实较高。”

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