
2012-10-22 11:47:29 字体放大:  

Although we have not yet reached that eureka moment where a direct causal link between learning languages and specific cognitive advantages can be proven, the -evidence is building up fast. Since 2000 there has been a steady increase in the number of reports being published within what is loosely termed the educational -neurosciences, and some of these have direct implications for English language professionals.

The cognitive neurosciences stress the need for powerful learning environments, and yet not enough of our language education is spent encouraging learners to engage in higher-order thinking about meaningful content that fires up the brain.


forge v. 打造;锻造

go beyond 超出;胜过

neurosciences 神经科学

language competence 语言表达能力

multilingual adj. 使用多种语言的 monolingual adj. 仅用一种语言的

abstract thinking 抽象思维

hypothesis formulation 假说形成;提出设想

simultaneous adj. 同时的;同步的

eureka 有了;找到了!(拓展知识:“eureka”原是古希腊语,意思是:“好啊!有办法啦!”古希腊学者阿基米德,有一次在浴盆里洗澡,突然来了灵感,发现了他久未解决的计算浮力问题的办法,因而惊喜地叫了一声“尤里卡”,从此发现了阿基米德定律。 )

fire up 煽动;激发;生火

Question time:

1. Why do most people study English?

2. What's the conclusion of the report named The Contribution of Multilingualism to Creativity?