
2013-06-13 18:11:39 字体放大:  

W: Excuse me, sir. I’m going to send this parcel to London. What’s the postage for it?

M: Let me see. It’s one pound and fifty.

Q: Who is the woman most probably speaking to?

A) A railway porter B) A bus conductor

C) A taxi driver D) A postal clerk

【解析】提前对四个选项(railway porter、bus conductor、taxi driver、posta clerk)积累相关词汇,再来听一听,你会发现本题关键信息词send this parcel, postage可推断出对话的场景是在邮局,所以男士的身份是D选项a postal clerk。


M: Here is a prescription for some pills. Come back and see me if you still don’t feel well.

W: Thank you very much for seeing me.

Q: What’s the man’s job?

A) Patient B) Doctor

C) Pharmacist D) Physicist


这位男士提到prescription for some pills(药方),并且后面的语气see me if you still don’t feel well(如果不舒服再来找我),很明显man的身份是医生B。

伴随着2013年6月英语四级考试的临近,同学们不必紧张只要有规律的进行复习,相信付出总会有所回报It will pay off.!同学们加油。


