
2013-05-30 20:41:05 字体放大:  


W: Can you tell me if you did well in the interview?

M: It’s difficult. You know it’s always the same, after an interview you think of all the things you forgot to say.

Q: What conclusion can be drawn from the man’s statement?


M: Why did you ask Charles Bond to stay here for such a long time?

W: Because he will get to know Paris and be in a better position to make a choice between the two houses.

Q: What does the woman mean?


W: It’s ten o’clock. Is that too late for us to call Professor Brown about the student council meeting?

M: Let’s hold off till tomorrow.

Q: What does the man mean?


W: Charlie, we’ve had these chairs since we got married. They are very comfortable.

M: That doesn’t mean we’ve got to have them the rest of our lives. Anyway they’re falling apart.

Q: What conclusion does the man want us to make from his statement?


M: There’s a story in the paper that a man didn’t get a job because of his Australian accent.

W: Well, I suppose it could be a disadvantage. It depends on the job he was applying for.

Q: According to the conversation, which of the following statements is not true?


M: I’m really sorry I didn’t make it to your dinner party last night, Julie.

W: It’s all very well to say that now; we wasted half the evening waiting for you to turn up.

Q: How did the woman respond?


M: Well, I must be going. I said I’d meet the children down at the beach.

W: And I’ve got to do some shopping. We’ll expect a call from you then? Or leave a message at the Reception desk.

Q: What have you learned from the conversation?

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