
2013-05-30 20:35:15 字体放大:  


M: Hi. I have a reservation for tonight.

W: Your name please?

M: It's Nelson. Charles Nelson.

W: Charles Nelson. A room for one for the 19th . . .

M: Wait, wait! It was for tonight. Not tomorrow night.

W: Hmm, hmm. I don't think we have any rooms for tonight. There's a convention going on in town, and uh, let's see. Yeah, no rooms.

M: Ah come on! You must have something. Anything.

W: Well. We do have some rooms under renovation with just a roll-a-way bed. Er… None of the normal amenities like a TV or working shower or toilet.

M: Ah, come on, there must be something else.

W: Well. Let me check my computer here. Ah!

M: What?

W: There has been a cancellation for this evening. A honeymoon suite is now available.

M: Great. I'll take it.

W: But I'll have to charge you two hundred fifty dollars for the night.

M: Ah, but could I get a discount for the inconvenience?

W: Well. The best I can give you is a ten percent discount plus a ticket for a free continental breakfast.

M: Hey. Isn't the breakfast free anyway?

W: Well, only on weekends.

M: I want to talk to the manager.

W: Wait, wait, wait Mr. Nelson. I can give you an additional 15% discount and I'll throw in a free room for the next time you visit us.

M: That’ll be a long time.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. For what day did Mr. Nelson make a hotel reservation?

20. What made it so difficult for Mr. Nelson to get a room in a hotel?

21. How much discount can Mr. Nelson get?

22. What can be inferred from this conversation?

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