
2012-10-29 16:42:00 字体放大:  

We do need …… but……(199506,10

But if it does rain, the whole thing will have to be canceled. (200206,4)


How could you do ……? (200101,5)(200201,9)

should he do that.....? (200206,6)

This is ……,didn’t you ……(199906,09)

Isn’t it nice to ……(200312-3)


You dont feel very well, do you? (199306,1)

It sounds as if its coming from next door, The Nelson arent back yet, are they? (199306,9)

Four, isnt it? (199501,9)

Janet is quite interested in camping, isnt she? (199606,4)

You really get to know the country when you go by train, dont you? (199806,10)

So I don’t have to write to him, do I? (199901,3)

Tom looks awfully nervous, doesnt he? (200001,7)

We havent had such a severe winter for so long, have we? (200006,9)

You were seen hanging about the store on the night when it was robbed, werent you? (200006,10)

Wonderful day, isnt it? (200101,10)

You seem very confident about the job interview, dont you? (200201,10)

You took an optional course this semester, didn’t you?(200206,5)