
2012-10-29 16:42:00 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 英语四六级频道为大家收集整理了“四级听力真题高分句型总结:虚拟语气”供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!



If I were you I’d…… (199306-7) (199601-9) (199706-10) (200006-4)

If only…… (199401-9)(200312-3)

It would be better……if……(199601-3)

If it hadn’t …… I might have…… (199606-3)

If you try doing sth ,you’d ……(200001-5)

I wouldnt have trouble him so much if I had know…… (200006-3)


I wish I could……(199301-9)(199306-3)

I(only)wish …… (199401-9)(199806-2)(199806-3)(200106-4)

Its high time… --(199706-6)


It is……that/ who……

It was the third time……(199501,4)

It’s difficult to ……(199501,4)

It’s high time (that)……(19976-6)

Its one of the best that Ive heard on this topic. (200101,5)

It was very important……(200201-9)
