
2012-10-22 16:31:33 字体放大:  


交通:traffic jam

车:break down

题目分析:Section A为重点(主要为三种题型)


[Test 1-9]

A) Europe.

B) Here.

C) Canada.

D) California.

M: Has George returned from Europe yet?

W: Yes, but he had been only here for three days before his company sent him to Canada.

Q: Where is George now?

[Test 2-3]

A) Because she has got an appointment.

B) Because she doesn’t want to.

C) Because she has to work.

D) Because she wants to eat in a new restaurant.

M: The student’s English club is having a party on Saturday night. Can you come?

W: I would like to, but I work at a restaurant on weekends.

Q: Why can’ t the woman go to the party?

这类考题的回答都是:I'd love to, I'd like to, Sounds great, Sounds a lot of fun...... but ......

[Test 3-5]

A) An English textbook.

B) A Chinese textbook.

C) A chemistry book.

D) A history book.

W: Has your brother bought his books yet?

M: He bought a history book, but the Chinese and English text-books were sold out.

Q: Which book has the man’s brother got?

注:be sold out 售光了

wear out 穿破了; be worn out (指东西)破旧;(指人)非常疲惫

check out 借书;出院;彻底检查;退房

figure out 想清楚,弄明白;figure 数字;体形

work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问题;(gym)拼命锻炼

make out 分辨出,辨认出

help out 帮个大忙

hang out 到处闲逛

dine out 外出吃饭

cook out 野餐

turn out 事实证明

[Test 4-1]

A) The pear.

B) The weather.

C) The sea food.

D) The cold.

W: You don’ t feel very well, do you? You look pale. Have you got a cold?

M: Oh, no, but my stomach aches. Maybe the sea food doesn’t agree with me.

Q: What probably caused the man’s stomach-ache?

注:1. 一句话后面加一个小尾巴,都是反义疑问句。核心是陈述句。

2. sth. doesn't agree with sb. 指某人不适应某种情况。

[Test 4-3]

A) George’s brother.

B) George’s wife.

C) George’s father.

D) George’s father-in-law.

M: I wish I could see George here.

W: He was planning to come, but a moment ago his wife called to say that he had to take his father to the hospital.

Q: Who was ill?

[Test 4-4]

A) She can use his car.

B) She can borrow someone else’s car.

C) She must get her car fixed.

D) She can’t borrow his car.