
2012-10-22 16:29:12 字体放大:  

conductor, passenger, fare, next stop, the terminal station(终点站)等。

f,Airport or on plane(飞机场或在飞机上)


airliner, airlines, land, take off, flight, on board, boarding card, departure, arrival, destination, cancel a flight, delay, check in, luggage, fasten the safe belt, crew 等。

g, Library(图书馆)


librarian, assistant, call number, book, due, overdue, return, renew, borrow, lend, latest issue, card, catalogue, fine(罚款), fiction, novel, magazine, bookshelf等。

h, Movie/Theatre(影剧院)


film, movie, play, show, drama, row, seat, be on (上演,上映), performance, program, Shakespeare, Oscar, ticket, check in, The Twelfth Night等。 



department store, the grocer’s, drug store, shop, go shopping, market, on sale, sell well, size ,type, fashion, style, color, cost, price, counter, brand, cash, check, assistant, May I help you? What can I do for you? How much does it cost? Here you are. pay, buy, purchase, change(零钱), US dollars, Hong Kong dollars, pounds, shelling, penny等。



campus, department, dean, college, professor, teacher, student, tutor, lecturer, headmaster, principal, lecture, academic report, textbook, semester, examination, test, lab, required course(必修课), elective course(选修课), gymnasium, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate, graduate, post graduate, grade, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, doctor’s degree等。



make a reservation, order(点菜), soft drink, wine, beer, brandy, whisky, dessert, salad, soup, bread, rice, noodle, potato, tomato, beef, meat, pork, chicken, mutton, pie, roast, fry, steam(蒸), a dish, main food, menu, Help yourself, I’m full. cook, delicious, taste, smell, waiter, waitress, pay the bill, cash, go Dutch(各付各的帐)等。

l,Post office(邮局)


post, mail, postage, stamp, envelope, parcel, air-mail, EMS(Emergent Mail Service), registered mail, transfer(汇款), postcard, telegram, fax(facsimile), cable(电报)等。

m, Customs house(海关)


declare(报关), clear/clearance(清关), tariff(关税), pay duty on, duty free, fill in the form, article(物品), passenger, smuggling/smuggle, drugs, illegal, legal等。

n, Meeting(会议)


deliver a speech, preside, host, chairman/chairperson, conclude, propose, suggest, for, against, agree, disagree, reinforce, argue, debate, dispute, solution, decide/decision等。

o, Dance & party(舞会/聚会)


gather, together, DJ, disco, have a ball, dance with, music, band, dancer, singer, May I have the pleasure of next dance?等。

p, Gas station(加油站)


pull in/out, petrol, gasoline, fill in the tank, litre等

q, At home(家里)


housework, go to bed, retire to bed, housewife, sitting room, bedroom, washing room, do cooking, gardening, take a rest, in the garden等。

r, Court(法庭)


your honor, jury, judge, justice, case, counselor, recess, lawyer, witness, victim, proof, identity, suspicion, to be executed sentence(裁决), imprisonment, execution, laws, legal, illegal, defendant, complainant等。