
2012-10-22 15:45:45 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 英语四六级频道为大家收集整理了“中国名校四级密卷:清华大学卷听力部分 ”供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Each conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. A) Get a good night’s sleep so he’ll feel better.

B) Take the exam once more.

C) Go out to see a movie.

D) Stay in a cinema for a night.

2. A) She needs a new raincoat or umbrella.

B) It will probably rain tomorrow.

C) She doesn’t know what the weather will be like tomorrow.

D) She doesn’t know where the man put his raincoat or umbrella.

3. A) He already took a picture of the flowers.

B) He doesn’t know how to use the camera.

C) He doesn’t think the flowers are beautiful.

D) He does not have any more film left.

4. A) They are going to have some milk for lunch.

B) They will probably quarrel because they are both angry.

C) They are going to breakfast soon.

D) They are going to lunch soon.

5. A) Go to the library.

B) Get some exercise.

C) Go to see a film.

D) Do homework in school.

6. A) Where John will meet her.

B) What the topic of the meeting is.

C) What John is wearing.

D) Where the meeting is being held.

7. A) She didn’t clean the dorm.

B) Her dorm is messy.

C) She will help the man clean his dorm.

D) She cleaned the library.

8. A) Jack is likely to help.

B) Jack doesn’t know a lot about the problem.

C) The man has already asked Jack for help.

D) Jack was the last one who could solve the problem.

9. A) It will snow much later in the week.

B) It will probably snow.

C) She needs to listen to the weather forecast.

D) The weather forecasters always make mistakes.

10. A) In the laundry.

B) In the tailor’s.

C) In the department store.

D) At home.

Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Each conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.