
2012-10-22 15:04:24 字体放大:  


A ) Looking for a young lady.

B ) Looking for her wrist watch.

C ) Looking for a young gentleman.

D ) Looking for a man wearing a wrist watch.

W : Excuse me, sir, but have you seen a young gentleman looking

for his wrist watch ?

M : A young man, Madam?

Q : What ‘s the woman doing ?

3 、某人提出去做什么。这类测试中,对话中的一方针对另一方提出的要求或建议,主动提供帮助。试题的选择项通常为动词原形或动词不定式。解题时,通常要集中注意力听清楚对话中第二个人的谈话,特别是谓语动词。


A ) Go out to work. B) Listen carefully to John.

C ) Be calm and patient. D ) Do the easiest thing.

W : I‘m really angry at John. He never listens to me.

M : Take it easy , Alan. Things will work out.

Q : What does the man advise Alan to do?