
2012-10-22 13:32:26 字体放大:  


1)暗含否定的词汇。含否定意义的名词有avoidance,failure,reluctance,denial,lack等;动词有fail,deny, refuse,ignore,reject,exclude等;形容词有absent,different,free,little,few等;介词有above,beyond,without, against,except,out等。例如:

Mary failed to go to school because of the heavy snow.由于天降大雪,玛丽没去上学。

Is there a law against spitting in the street in this country?这个国家有法律规定不让在大街上吐痰吗?

2)暗含否定的短语。暗含否定的动词短语有differ from(与……不同),leave alone(不管),protect...from(保护……不受到伤害)等;介词短语有out of(没有),at a loss(不知所措),at one's wit's end(无计可施)等;其它短语有instead of(而不是……),let alone(更不用说),thelast...(最不……的)等。如:

W:Would you like to go and see the new exhibit with us?

M:That's the last thing in the world I ever want to do.

Q:What does the man mean?

A.He is often asked to go and see exhibits.

B.He would like to go and see the exhibit.

C.He went to see the exhibit last year.

D.He definitely does not want to go.


3)暗含否定的句子结构。英语中的虚拟条件句中含有否定的意义。此外,像too...to...,more...than...(more than),would rather...than...等结构也暗含否定。

If only our parents could live together with us.要是我们的父母和我们生活在一起就好了。(含有“我们的父母没有和我们生活在一起”的意思。)

His rude behavior is more than we could stand.他无理的行为,我们受不了。


W:Did you meet the new teacher yesterday?

M:I've been sick for two days.

Q:What does the man mean?

A.The new teacher is sick.

B.There are two new teachers.

C.He hasn't met the teacher,yet.

D.He didn't like the teacher.
