
2012-10-16 15:58:50 字体放大:  

11 give her more information------any suggestions

12 go without dessert-----watch my weight

13 can speak a foreign language----but Japanese ,English is the only language I can speak.

14 see professor Smith-----go to his office after class

15 pass the message to the man----- leave a note, I can give it to her

16 got emotional problems------get upset easily over little thing

17 buy the tickets beforehand-------in advance

18 ran into a tree------crashed into a tree


11 appeal more viewer over 40--------people over 40 might find it interesting

12 admire her in writing----I had no idea you were a marvelous writer.

13 save some trouble ------picked it up from the waste paper basket and left it on the desk.

14 he quit teaching in june-----not since June

15 only part of the book-----read a few characters

16 attend her husband-----her husband is in a car accident

17 not far from their old one-------I don’t know exactly where it is

18 had a hard time find a parking place-------I drove two blocks before I spotted a place.

第22套题 2007.12

11 overweight------a little out of shape

12 hotel reception------had reserved a room for me

13 having confidence in her son-------he is sure do well in the next exam

14 have a short break------go out and get some fresh air.

15 in perfect condition-----never felt better in my life

16 keeps some old furniture in her new house-----just the useless pieces,

17 forgot lending the book --------sorry not to returned it earlier.

18 doesn’t look like a sportsman--------don’t think so eiter.