
2012-06-13 14:49:10 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

【编者按】威廉希尔app 提供2012年6月英语四级听力精练—短对话25,供考生参考。

1. A) She met with Thomas just a few days ago.

B) She can help with the orientation program.

C) She is not sure she can pass on the message.

D) She will certainly try to contact Thomas.


C) She is not sure she can pass on the message.


1. M: Mary, could you please tell Thomas to contact me? I was hoping he would be able to help me out with the freshmen orientation program next week.

W: I would certainly tell him if I saw him, but I haven't seen him around for quite a few days.

Q: What does the woman mean?


更多信息: 威廉希尔app  英语四六级频道