位于中国西南部云南省的丽江古城是中国保存最完整、最具民族特色的古城镇之一,同时也是享誉中外的世界级旅游文化名城。丽江地处云南、四川、西藏三省交汇处。公路四通八达(extendi ng i n a|d i rect i ons)。丽江有多个汽车客运站,公路交通极为方便。游客在丽江古城闲逛,步行即可。当然也可乘坐出租车,起步价7元,每公里加价1.8元。如果在旅游旺季前往丽江旅行,一定要在出发前预定好房间。
The Old Town of Lijiang at Southwest China’s Yunnan Province is one of the ancient towns in China that are best preserved and have most ethical characteristics.It’s also a world.class tourist attraction with excellent fame home and abroad.Lijiang is located at the intersection of Yunnan,Sichuan and Tibet provinces,with highways extending in all directions.There are a number of bus terminals in Lijiang,with great convenience of road traffic.Tourists may take a tour of the Old Town of Lijiang by easy stroll on foot.Taxies are certainly available as well,with minimum charge at 7 RMB Yuan.and extra l.8 RMB Yuan for each additional l kilometer.If one visits Lijiang at peak season of tourism,one must book hotel room in advance.
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