
2013-03-22 10:27:55 字体放大:  

以下是威廉希尔app 为您推介的关于四级翻译备考课堂笔记的内容,希望对您的学习有所帮!


1. _________________ (如果机器真的能像人一样会思考的话),there would be no more reason to fear them than to fear men..

2. When it is short of water,a plant _______________(一般用蒸发作为降温的手段).

3. He has never mixed with them or _____________(同他们坦城交流),but has demanded and generally received a respect due to his position and superior intelligence.

4.Your Math instructor would have been happy ________________(给你一次补考机会的)had you gone and explained that your parents were ill at the time.

5. ________________(随着孩子们在经济上独立出来)of the family,the emphasis on family financial security will shift from protection to saving for the retirement years.

