
2013-12-05 15:57:53 字体放大:  

英语四级考试即将到来,考生们备受压力,威廉希尔app 为了更方便的帮助考生备考,整理了13年12月cet4重点词汇冲刺题供大家参考,愿考生成绩更上一层楼!


1. When heated, water changes into _______.

A. solid B. vapour C. liquid D. air

2. What she achieved in her research might _______ what she had been expecting.

A. exceed B. exclaim C. excess D. extend

3. It is _______ to anyone here that the department chairman has refused to support the new project.

A. factor B. false C. evident D. elastic

4. He _______ his father in appearance but not in height.

A. repeats B. looks C. resembles D. likes

5. Both O.J.Simpson and Jim Brown have been ______ as the greatest players in the history of football.

A. ranked B. recorded C. stocked D. stripped

6. The airplane took off soon. It was like being on an old train ______ from side to side and going faster and faster.

A. surrounding B. foregoing C. swaying D. frowning

7. This is a poem about _______ life in the American West.

A. bay B. chamber C. frank D. dozen

8. What they produced has no any _______ value. But it is very useful to their research.

A. filter B. fold C. partial D. commercial

9. When talking about Chinese culture, people often _______ its origin with the Yellow River.

A. worship B. vain C. reveal D. associate

10. As a chairman for nearly ten years, Professor Smith has never _______ to anything dishonest.

A. beard B. attached C. granted D. kept

11. The --_______ between Chinese and Japanese is not so obvious so that it is not easy to distinguish between people from the two countries.

A. distinction B. equivalent C. index D. murder

12. When he caught a _______ of his girl-friend in the rain, Jack asked the taxi driver to stop to pick her up.

A. harbour B. kettle C. glimpse D. scale

13. He’ll always be _______ to you for what you’ve done.

A. peaceful B. secure C. grateful D. companion

参考答案:1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. C 13. C

13年12月cet4重点词汇冲刺题由威廉希尔app 为考生整理提供,祝考生美梦成真!更多关于英语四级考试相关信息敬请关注【英语四级考试网