【摘要】四级英语考试中,词汇知识是考试必考之一,以下是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的2013英语四级词汇;fill 的用法,仅供考生们参考,希望考生们在四级考试中取得自己理想中的答卷
1. 表示“装满”“填满”,可用作及物和不及物动词,通常与介词 with 连用。如:
The hole filled with water. 坑里全是水。
He filled the glass with water. 他把杯子装满了水。
People filled the room. 人们把房间挤得满满的。
The room filled with people. 房间里挤满了人。
The room was filled with people. 房间里挤满了人。
He filled the room with his friends. 房间里挤满了他请来的朋友。
2. 有时可带双宾语,双宾语交换位置时用介词 for。如:
正:Go and fill me a glass of beer.
正:Go and fill a glass of beer for me.
3. 表示填洞等,其后可接 in 或 up, 也可不用。如:D19
He filled (in/up) the hole with small stones. 他用小石块把洞填满了。
4. 表示“填表”,其后可接 in, out, up 等。如:
He told me to fill in [out, up] the form. 他叫我填那张表。