2013年MPA考试英语英译汉词型精讲:not more与no more

2012-10-10 16:46:34 来源:互联网 字体放大:  

威廉希尔app 考试频道小编应广大考生的需要,特为参加考试的考生策划了“2013年MPA考试英语英译汉词型精讲:not more与no more”专题等有关资料,供考生参考!

not more / -er than 与 no more / -er than 结构


John is not better than Tom.

John is no better than Tom.

前一句表示“约翰不比汤姆好”,属于普通的比较结构;后一例用了no 情况就不同了。no better than 相当于as bad as,含义是两人一样坏。这里,“no + 形容词或副词比较级 + than”所表示的可以说是该形容词或副词的反意。

例如: no richer than = as poor as 和……一样穷

no bigger than = as small as 和……一样小

no later than = as early as 和……一样早


I have not taken more than six courses this semester.

I have taken no more than six courses this semester.


上述结构与表示前后都否定的no more...than (= not...any more than)又有所不同:

例:A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.(鲸和马同样不是鱼。)

另外,在某些结构中,单独使用more than 也能表示否定概念:

例1:That is more than I can tell. 我简直不能说。

例2:My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing. 我去北京不仅仅是旅游观光而已。
