
2012-09-28 10:21:39 字体放大:  

1.单项选择 20分

题目记不住了,给一句话,选出近义词。可能我水平有限,觉得很难,很多词不认识。20题有三分之一到一半比较难(个人观点).现给出研友mollyslj的回忆:run-down, over-the-top,curb,disposal,mitigate,fore,hapless,multifacets,alliance,inhaling,flock to, counterpart, plight, recruit, esoteric,reconciliation

2.改错 10分


3.阅读理解 40分


4.作文 30分

给了一段China Daily上关于face consumption(面子消费)的材料,以下是材料:


How to get a world famous brand bag with the least possible budget? A good imitation fake bag, a receipt and a paper carry bag will make that wish come true.

Nowadays, some people who cannot afford top brand products are buying paper carry bags with brand names or logos to gratify their vanity. Some are even finding top brand labels, instruction books and receipts sold online.

These purchases, which are not for practical needs, but merely to show off and gratify the owners'vanity, are called "face consumptions".

A survey of 1,104 people conducted by China Youth Daily shows 84.2 percent interviewees think "face consumptions" are widespread amid young people.

As for "face consumptions", 48.4 percent interviewees show their distain; 39.9 percent express their sympathy; 36.5 percent feel indignation; 30.3 percent are indifferent and 5.1 percent approve the practise.

According to the survey, clothes (75.3%), gifts (60.7%) and cars (59.5%) rank in the top three as the most likely sectors in which "face consumption" occurs, followed by electronic goods (55.6), catering (50.5%), liquor and tobacco (49.5%), cosmetics (43.9%) and entertainment (26.9%).

题目为My Comment on Face Consumption amid Young People.


1.短语互译 40分 40题

1.plain prose

2.seckill 秒杀

3.chinadonisia 中国、印度、印度尼西亚

4.broken society 道德沦丧的社会

5. PIIGS 欧猪五国 (原文链接:http://news.ifeng.com/gundong/detail_2010_10/28/2924713_0.shtml 包含了三个解释)

6.game theory 博弈论

7.ghost estate (不会翻译,先给出wikipedia里有关定义。 定义链接: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_estate)


9.cultural pluralism


11. localization

12. 敲门砖

13. 蜗居



