
2012-09-28 09:24:29 字体放大:  

翻译硕士英语1. 20个单项选择 主要考察单词和词组,不考察语法,考了ecstacy,incentive,prevalent等等。这题需要大家扩充词汇量。

2. 阅读理解 第一篇 演讲中逻辑和修辞的作用,想要说服人们,仅有逻辑是不够的,必须发挥修辞的作用。 第二篇 印象派画家的兴起,风格与画法。第三篇 日本企业雇佣制度进行了改革,以前是终身制,职员为企业尽心尽力,老年享受公司退休制度的福利,升职靠资历。(以上三篇考的是选择题)第四篇 关于快乐的两个发现,人的快乐程度受基因和年龄影响。考的是问答题。阅读理解文章都不是很难,难词不多,但做题时得好好思考。

3. 作文people send gifts on important occasions like weddings,funerals,promoion,graduation,etc.

some people think gift is a token of goodwill,others think expensive gifts will harm people's relations and are just vanity.Write a composition about 300-400words,and express your own opinion.


英译汉the Authorized Version;flesh and blood;a wet blanket;puppy love;the Analects;contact lenses;crime police;proof positive;track and field;child's play;danger money;pull sb's leg;in for a penny,in for a pound;between the devil and the deep blue sea;real economy.

汉译英 音译;国内生产总值;八折优惠;左上角;淡酒;老于世故的人;硬性推销;天道酬勤;隔墙有耳;三三两两;耐用消费品;招领启事;拦路虎;可持续发展;新兴市场国家

英译汉I was slow to understand the deep grievances of women. This was because, as a boy, I had envied them. Before college, the only people I had ever known who were interested in art or music or literature, the only ones who read books, the only ones who ever seemed to enjoy a sense of ease and grace were the mothers and daughters. Like the menf**d about money, they scrimped and made-do. But, when the pay stopped coming in, they were not the ones who had failed. Nor did they have to go to war, and that seemed to me a blessed fact. By comparison with the narrow, ironclad days of fathers, there was expansiveness, I thought, in the days of mothers. They went to see neighbors, to shop in town, to run errands at school, at the library, at church. No doubt, had I looked harder at their lives, I would have envied them less. It was not my fate to become a woman, so it was easier for me to see the graces. Few of them held jobs outside the home, and those who did filled thankless roles as clerks and waitresses. I didn’t see, then, what a prison a house could be, since houses seemed to me brighter, handsomer places than any factory. I did not realize—because such things were never spoken of-how often women suffered from men's bullying. I did learn about the wretchedness of abandoned wives, single mothers, widows; but I also learned about the wretchedness of lone men. Even then I could see how exhausting it was for a mother to cater all day to the needs of young children. But if I had been asked, as a boy, to choose between tending a baby and tending a machine, I think I would have chosen the baby.

汉译英 书信作为人际交往中传递信息,建立,发展和改变人际关系,联络和加深思想感情,以至评论时政抒发己见的主要形式,古时就已有之。在古代“书”是指信,“信”是指信使,“书信”连用首次出现于《晋书》,到唐代已十分普遍。

